Change your mind. Transform your body.

When we live our lives expressing who we truly are, we can achieve anything that we set our minds to. At iAlign Fitness we help women come into alignment with their true selves through exercise, nutritional guidance and mindset coaching. We have created a flexible and accommodating personal training program to help women transform their bodies and entire lives.


BA-Psychology (CWRU)


plant-Based Nutrition (cornell)

My name is Elizabeth Marie Jordan and I am a certified ​personal trainer. I began my journey with weight lifting in ​2013 following the birth of my son. It wasn’t until 2017 that ​I decided to turn my love of fitness into my career. ​Pursuing my passion has been one of the most rewarding ​decisions of my life. I absolutely love helping my clients ​transform their lives. As a trainer, I teach my clients ​effective exercise routines, proper nutrition and I help ​them develop a pattern of thinking that helps them ​achieve their desires. There are several reasons why ​people exercise, whether it is to lose weight, build muscle ​or just to try something new. Whatever your personal goal ​may be, I can help you reach it!



Combine In-Person, Virtual or Online sessions to create a training package that works best for your needs and lifestyle.


Personalized Workouts

All workouts are tailored to your goals, ​physical needs and to your lifestyle. Sessions ​can be completed at home, the gym or even ​outside. You will build muscle, burn fat and ​get your heart rate up each session.


Nutritional Guidance

We encourage our members to follow a mostly plant based diet. This minimizes food animal ingredients such as meat, fish, milk, or eggs, and encourages foods that are not heavily processed. All members receive access to our full recipe book and meal plans.

Assorted Sliced Fruits


Woman Doing Yoga Beside her Dog


Mindset Coaching

Often times we try to make changes to our ​physical world without realizing that an ​inner change must take place first. ​Committing to and ultimately achieving ​your fitness goals will not only challenge ​you physically, but mentally as well. We ​provide our clients with the most effective ​methods to train their mind for success.

Pre & Post natal Program

The Prenatal and postpartum periods are

critical times in the lives of women. It is essential that all mothers are fully supported

along their journey of motherhood. We provide personalized services designed specifically for our prenatal and postpartum members.

start achieving your goals with one of our ​EBooks

All ebooks will be emailed within 24 hours

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Our program is for any woman that is ready to Take Life-changing action, commit to the process and get Incredible results.

Are you ready? Apply Below!

SUccess begins one step outside of Your comfort zoNe

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.